Ja, mg elfelejtettem valamit... Mostanban rengeteg e-mailt s zenetet kaptam klfldi arcoktl, akik elolvastk az sszes versemet, szvegemet (amelyek pldul itt vagy ms oldalakon s profiljaimon tallhatak...) Nagyon-nagyon kedves dolgokat mondtak rluk, s teljesen meg vagyok hatdva, hogy veszitek ti is, s msok is a fradsgot, hogy elolvasstok a mveimet. Irul-pirul-kivirul! :)
Szgyellem is kicsit magam, hogy vek ta nem rtam j verset, de 2 httel ezeltt megcsapott az ihlet, s mr el is kldtem a Nrinak a legjabb versemet, hogy betegye a Daemon's poems rovat al, de azrt ide is beillesztem. J olvasst, s fordtgatst (akinek szksges):
The Garden
My life is a garden
Full of lilies and violets
Refreshed by the rain
That leaves traces of violence
The morning dew is like you
Invisible but still there...
Dripping from green blades of grass
In my eyes and down my back
And everything is really you
A serpent in my bed of flowers
Hides itself from summer showers
Waiting for the perfect time
To poison all these plants of mine
Blood pours from my trees like sap
Weakening as the day turns black
And in the mud they lie
Toxin spreads from roots to leaves
Robbing them like clever thieves
Struggling to not give in
Wind devours all my flowers
Stacks them up like ruined towers
Withered and dead they lay
But in the garden they stay
-Linda- |